Academic Writing Assignment – “What do you think is the most alarming/disturbing problem in your society(school, neighborhood, country)? What do you propose to solve the problem? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer!”

A developing country is defined as “a country that is poor and whose citizens are mostly agricultural workers but that wants to become more advanced socially and economically”. One example of a developing country is our country, Indonesia. We are still struggling and striving to be a developed country and with it come its own problems. One of the most alarming problems this country is facing is corruption. With Indonesia’s current vague governmental law and policies, many people are “freely” corrupting our nation’s money for their own benefit. Furthermore, the government lack of disciplinary acts to those who corrupt give them more opportunities to corrupt and flee. Therefore, we need to find a way to fight corruption, to banish them, to eradicate them. Solving corruption can be done by increasing transparency of money allocation by the government, clarify the governmental law and policies regarding corruption, and last but not least, improving each one’s personality.

First, increasing transparency of money allocation can be by tracking the flow of money by reporting in detail each expense made by the country. This report is the source to ensure accountability and avoid unwanted money laundering. Then, the report needs to be published publicly so that the people as the taxpayers have the access to know and analyze where their money is going and what it is for. By doing this, a lot of people will take part in keeping the country clean, thus the margin of criminals trying to corrupt the money out of people’s taxes will be reduced to almost none.

Then, Clarifying governmental law and policies regarding corruption can be tricky. First we need people with the right purpose and the right stance on corruption to be making these kinds of decisions. Thus, we need to choose carefully who represents us in the government by knowing their visions and missions in their campaigns as the people’s representatives. Then, we need the laws and policies to be clear. Each sentence should provide the clearest meaning and orderly methods for money allocation procedures. They should also provide no loopholes in the laws and policies to avoid self-justification to those who corrupt. Last but not least, we need to increase the penalty and conviction to those who are proven to be corrupt and really be disciplined with it. When facing these corrupt criminals, no mercy or exception should be made, but justice should be served. Therefore, corruption level can be pressed down to practically none because people will be too busy to avoid jail time and severe punishments.

Last but definitely not the least; one’s personality plays an important part when we want to fight corruption. This can be achieved through education and spiritual development. With the right education, people will understand their rights to not be fooled by corrupt people, thus they can get justice and amend no corruption. With the right education, people can also find new opportunities to learn and explore a wide variety of job options to gain money legally without having to corrupt. Moreover, Indonesia is a religious country. Thus, most educational institutes will have to provide spiritual lessons that can guide students to increase morality and therefore help them to find and stand by the right stance regarding corruption. Last but not least, spirituality will help evolving individual to have a strong sense of what is right and wrong. Therefore, the “true” spiritual people can directly contribute to reduce the corruption level in Indonesia, because they will always do the right thing.

To conclude, solving corruption can be done by increasing transparency of money allocation by the government, clarify the governmental law and policies regarding corruption, improving one’s personality. To sum up the key point to fight corruption, it all comes back to one’s personality. With the right personality, one’s decision will be made to do what’s best for his country and its people. This is the right beginning and only way that can make it possible to reach the desired goal